Caro FDS WaterDoor Case Studies
These case studies are review of some of the WaterDoor installations that we have done across the UK.
To request a quotation, hard copy literature or any further assistance, please call our Sales Department on (01763) 244446 or you can enquire using our online form.
Case Study 1 - Lincolnshire
Following a “high tide” incident previously, the East Lindsey District Council had to find the best and most convenient method of protecting their tenants in the large, on beach, Concession building on the sea front.
Both the Caro WaterWall and WaterDoor products fitted this need, allowing for full access, both out front as well as at the rear, during the busy season for the kiosks. If needed the barriers could be erected within minutes.
Once this busy season had finished it meant that the Concession holders were able to erect their barriers and leave them up through the winter, if they so desired, in the knowledge that they would not be affected should another flood event happen whilst they weren’t there.
Client Name: East Lindsey District Council
Type of Project: Local Authority
Location: Skegness, Lincolnshire
All barriers supplied 1.2m high
8 x WaterDoor Barriers - ranging from 1.2m to 1.83m wide
6 x WaterWall Barriers - ranging from 4.73m to 5.85m wide
Case Study 2 - Cumbria
The Residents Committee of these private apartments in Cumbria, investigated a number of options when searching for a barrier that would protect them in the, extremely likely, event of another river breach.
Using the skills and resources of a local Builder’s Merchant, with a specialist Flood Defences Dept., they determined that the Caro WaterDoor (and WaterWall) barriers would give them all they needed by way of peace of mind in a fully demountable system.
As it was a case that all the flats affected were at ground level and that these flats wanted to continue to enjoy their easy access to the gardens and thereby the nearby river, they had to be assured that the system chosen would be removable and not detract from their enjoyment.
Caro WaterDoor and WaterWall fitted all these needs.
Using pre-fabricated assemblies, the barriers were able to be positioned and installed quickly and accurately.
Client Name: Elliot Park Flats Residents Association
Type of Project: Residential
Location: Keswick, Cumbria
All barriers supplied 1.2m high
10 x WaterDoor Barriers - ranging from 0.88m to 1.95m wide
2 x WaterWall Barriers - ranging from 2.25m to 2.525m wide
Case Study 3 - Oxfordshire
After suffering from persistent flood problems, Caro FDS provided the ideal solution for this Oxfordshire Nursing Home by supplying no less than 15 barriers, which now gives its residents peace of mind when posed with the threat of rising waters.
Client Name: Mr K.
Type of Project: Nursing Home
Location: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
All barriers supplied 1m high
13 x WaterDoor Barriers - ranging from 0.91m to 2m wide
2 x WaterWall Barriers - ranging from 2.75m to 4.23m wide
5 x Storage Boxes for Equipment
Case Study 4 - West Sussex
A resident in West Sussex had suffered the devastation of flooding to their property and was forced to live in temporary accommodation as a result. As part of the renovation process, Caro FDS produced three WaterDoor barriers to help alleviate any further threats of flooding to the property.
Client Name: Dr S.
Type of Project: Residential
Location: West Sussex, United Kingdom
All barriers supplied 1.2m high
3 x WaterDoor Barriers - ranging from 0.94m to 1.83m wide
Case Study 5 - East Yorkshire
Installed by a local Building Contractor, Caro FDS supplied three barriers for the Nave, Entrance and Meeting Room openings of a Church in a village in the East Riding of Yorkshire. The barriers were essential for protecting the building from flooding of a nearby river.
Client Name: Mr F.
Type of Project: Church
Location: East Yorkshire, United Kingdom
All barriers supplied 0.6m high
2 x WaterDoor Barriers - ranging from 0.875m to 1.455m wide
1 x WaterWall Barriers - 2.71m wide
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To request a quotation, hard copy literature or any further assistance, please call our sales department on (01763) 244446 or you can enquire using our online form.