Caroflow Floor Drainage Products 

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Trapped 45-degree Spigot Floor Outlets Specifications 

CAROFLOW 45-degree Spigot Trapped Floor Outlet Code TS/75 with 150 x 150 Square Stainless Steel Grating Assembly with long spigot Code FD/SS/150S/LS for installation in tiled floor finish, elsewhere measured, all as manufactured by Caroflow Limited Tel: 01763 244446 
The grating assemblies for Trapped Floor Outlets are high quality, machined Stainless Steel castings. The gratings have a 110mm O/D throat that gives full and un-restricted access to the body unit for cleaning and rodding out. 
All grating assemblies are SOLD SEPARATELY and you can find all the options and codes by clicking the link below. 
Trapped 45-degree Spigot Floor Outlets

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To request a quotation, hard copy literature or any further assistance, please call our sales department on (01763) 244446 or you can enquire using our online form