Caroflow Floor Drainage Products 

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Grating Assemblies Specifications 

Caroflow Grating Assemblies are designed for use with all versions of the Untrapped and Trapped Floor Outlets and are manufactured in Stainless Steel. 
The grate is secured with stainless steel screws within the bezel surround that has been assembled with a throat of 110mm tube. 
These throats (or spigots) can be produced in any length, although the standard sizes are: 
Short Spigot (Code /SS) 45mm length 
Medium Spigot (Code /MS) 100mm length 
Long Spigot (Code /LS) 200mm length 
The large diameter of the mouth of the spigot also allows much easier and unobstructed access for rodding and cleaning. 
The throat is then inserted into the clamping ring opening of its respective Untrapped or Trapped Floor Outlet that contains a retained ring seal. The ring then gives an airtight seal whilst still allowing full vertical and horizontal movement to ensure the final position is completely flush with the finished flooring. 


150mm dia. Stainless Steel Circular Grate and Bezel Assembly. Suitable for screeded floor finishes. 
Short Spigot – FD/SS/150C/SS – Dimension A = 75mm 
Medium Spigot – FD/SS/150C/MS – Dimension A = 130mm 
Long Spigot – FD/SS/150C/LS – Dimension A = 230mm 


150mm Stainless Steel Square Tile Grate and Bezel Assembly. Suitable for tiled floor finishes. 
Short Spigot – FD/SS/150S/SS – Dimension A = 75mm 
Medium Spigot – FD/SS/150S/MS – Dimension A = 130mm 
Long Spigot – FD/SS/150S/LS – Dimension A = 230mm 


150mm Stainless Steel Grate and Bezel Assembly with clamping flange. Suitable for sheet/vinyl floor finishes. 
Short Spigot – FD/SS/150CF/SS – Dimension A = 75mm 
Medium Spigot – FD/SS/150CF/MS – Dimension A = 130mm 
Long Spigot – FD/SS/150CF/LS – Dimension A = 230mm 

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Technical Support 

To request a quotation, hard copy literature or any further assistance, please call our sales department on (01763) 244446 or you can enquire using our online form