The Caro Group are constantly changing and adapting to the manufacturing environment which has allowed us to thrive in a time when the industry in general, is struggling. 
Caro Group Office Royston
Made In Britain is a phrase that is often used to define the consumer requirement in the UK, but as time has ebbed on Made In China seems to have quietly and unconsciously replaced it. Here at the Caro Group we are proud of our manufacturing history dating back to 1827; including the provision of an exhibit for the Great Exhibition in 1851. 
Caroflow Limited has recently launched an enhanced version of its WaterWall and WaterDoor demountable Flood Defence barrier, which has been created with the aid of customer feedback in our design offices. This innovative new barrier allows total flood protection for both residential and industrial properties, with small and large scale options. The barrier is currently being approved by the British Standards Institute, allowing Caroflow to move forward with expert market knowledge and provide a first class UK designed product in a market worth £6 Billion. 
Caro Systems are likewise renowned for the quality of their paving slab support systems, but moving boldly forward they have launched a new adjustable system for both paving and decking, allowing them to further establish themselves in the market. 
Maybrey Precision Castings are also forging ahead with innovative manufacturing, in the Die and Sand Cast product market. Manufacturing in the UK has been hit badly by the migration of casting to Eastern Europe. However, Maybrey has managed to stay in the top 10 medium-sized foundries in the UK by investing in cutting edge environmental and reclamation plant, allowing them not only to cut costs but also to retain work by adhering the company to ever-increasing environmental legislation. 
The Caro Group of Companies has the benefit of a structured support group that drives forward product design by allowing all the companies to draw on years of expertise in areas such as design, marketing, sales and finance to allow the pioneering attitude that exists in the group to flourish. 
With innovation in the UK at an all-time high, the group has moulded every aspect of creativity and ingenuity to get to the forefront of the manufacturing market in the UK and our forward-thinking attitude will assure that we stay there. 

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