Maybrey Precision Castings are a Sand Casting Foundry and Die Foundry previously in South London, now located in its new home in Aylesford in Kent. Maybreys have been working on its sustainability since its relocation to the new premises and are proud to announce that they have now managed to remove 97% of fossil fuel usage.
Creating replicas of artwork is usually the work of criminals who look to gain from the success of artists by selling a forgery. In the case of Studio Furthermore however, replica has a new meaning with their latest collaborative work REPLICA.
With UK Manufacturing thrown in to the spot light during the last recession, we're so honoured to still be working with some amazing clients to create unique sandcastings .
Maybrey Reliance is a unique Sand & Die cast foundry based in Kent, with the facilities to mass produce and manufacture bespoke sand castings on small and large scales.